New Website!

I have a new website! I post a new poem there every week. It also features my new love poetry chapbook, Journeys in Love.  One of my favorite poems from Journeys in Love is featured on the site. It’s called Trying Not to be Cliche It’s short and sweet, and relatable to those who have tried writing love poems without using cliches. (It’s not an easy thing to do!) It’s a fun twist I put on cliche sayings and I hope you enjoy it!

I hope you like the other poems I have posted on the sight as well. I don’t really go by a theme; once a week I just sit down and go by an idea that pops in my head. I hope you enjoy them and I invite you to share any poems you have come up with! They don’t have to relate to my poems at all; if  you have a favorite poem you wrote, feel free to share it on this blog, my new website’s blog, or both! All I ask that if you are interested in posting a poem make sure it’s clean 🙂